Graduate Student Pest Management Award

Description of Award

The Canadian Society of Agronomy (CSA) Graduate Student Pest Management Award is made available annually to qualified graduate students enrolled at Canadian universities with research programs relevant to pest management. The Graduate Student Pest Management Award shall be made at the AGM/Conference for the CSA and the recipient will receive $500, a suitably inscribed certificate and a travel grant of up to $1,000 provided by Bayer Canada Inc. to allow the successful applicant to attend the CSA annual conference and make an oral presentation based on her/his research project. The winner will be given a speaking slot of at least 15 minutes at the annual conference.

*The Pest Management Award presentation is not eligible for the student oral competition award. The student may enter the oral or poster competition with a separate presentation on another topic.


Nominees must:

  1. be a member of CSA
  2. be enrolled at a Canadian University with research programs relevant to pest managment.

The award winner will be selected by the CSA Awards Committee on the basis of performance in relevant subject areas (50%) and the novelty and feasibility of the research proposal vis-à-vis pest management. The award winner will be formally notified by email in advance of the CSA annual meeting.

Interested students should apply to CSA on the supplied application form. Completed applications must reach the CSA Executive Director by April 15 of the year of the award unless there is a general notification of an alternate deadline. The applicants will be formally notified by email in early June.  **The application deadline for 2024 has been extended to April 30, 2024**


Download the application form at the bottom of this page, complete and return to Marcie Wilson, CSA Executive Director (CSAgronomy at by April 30th.


Pest Management Award Nomination Form (367.3 KiB, 528 downloads)