Ali Navabi Grad Student Travel Award

The Ali Navabi Graduate Student Travel Awards were established in 2013 to encourage student attendance at the CSA Annual Meetings and is available to any graduate student CSA member. The Student Travel Award is $500 and an inscribed certificate with a maximum of 5 awarded annually.

Awards are based on the following criteria:

  1. The Student must be a CSA member to apply.
  2. Applicants must be planning to give either an oral or a poster presentation.
  3. Applicants must have a reasonable research summary reasonable (ie. objectives, methods, progress) and clearly written?
  4. Distance travelling to attend the annual conference.
  5. Preference will be given to students who have not previously received a travel award.
  6. Applications to be signed by the students supervisor or department chair.

Please send a completed application form (MS Word Document) by April 30, 2024 to:
Marcie Wilson
Executive Director, Canadian Society of Agronomy
CSAgronomy @

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