Distinguished Agronomist Award

Description of Award

The Distinguished Agronomist Award is presented annually to members of the Canadian Society of Agronomy (CSA) in recognition of their outstanding contributions to agronomy. The Distinguished Agronomist Award shall be made at the AGM of the CSA and the recipient will be given a suitably engraved plaque, a speaking slot of at least 30 minutes at the CSA AGM/Conference and up to $2500 for travel expenses to present at the AGM. CSA will also cover conference registration.

Eligibility of Nominees

Nominees must:

  1. be active members of CSA with fifteen years membership (not necessarily successive years);
  2. be near retirement age or retired;
  3. have a distinguished record of service to the CSA and in the field of agronomy in Canada, and
  4. be actively engaged in research, teaching, extension or admin or some combination thereof in Canada for more than 20 years. (Research, teaching, extension and/or admin contributions from outside Canada will be considered.)

The CSA may award up to one Distinguished Agronomist in a given year. A member can only receive the Early Career Agronomist, Fellow and Distinguished Agronomist awards once in a career. Members are not eligible for both a Fellowship and Distinguished Agronomist in the same year.

A Fellow of the CSA may be nominated for a Distinguished Agronomist  Award. Current members of the Awards Committee are ineligible for nomination.

Eligibility of Nominators

Nominations may be made by any active member of CSA who has had continuous active membership in CSA for at least five years. A member may nominate only one person for each award in a given year.

Nomination Procedure

Download the Nomination Form at the bottom of this page. The nomination and letters of recommendation should be sent by email in a standard electronic format to Marcie Wilson, the CSA Executive Director.

Each application must contain:

  1. the nomination and
  2. two supporting letters.

Deadline for receipt of nominations is April 15 of the nominating year unless there is a general notification of an alternate deadline.

**The application deadline for 2023 has been extended to April 30, 2023**

Preparation of the best nomination possible for a distinguished colleague is a compliment to both the nominee and the nominator and it provides the maximum possibility that the nominee will be selected to receive the award. Obtaining the assistance of the nominee in supplying information is permissible and should improve the accuracy and completeness of the documentation. Clearly identifying and evaluating the nominee’s contributions are the most important parts of the nomination because the nominees will be ranked primarily on this basis.

The Awards Committee may contact the Nominator or the authors of the letter or reference for clarification or elaboration of the information provided.

Selections made by the Awards Committee are final and are not appealable.

Download Nomination Form for CSA Distinguished Agronomist

Distinguished Agronomist Nomination Form (345.8 KiB, 414 downloads)