The Canadian Society of Agronomy (CSA) is very involved in the provision of content for the Canadian Journal of Plant Science (CJPS), along with the Canadian Society of Horticultural Science (CSHS) and the Canadian Society of Weed Science (CSWS). These roles include CSA members being Editors, Reviewers and Authors for CJPS. To further support CJPS, the CSA offers an award each year for what is judged to be the best agronomy-related paper published that year in CJPS. This award does not require nomination by the author, but is awarded based on the recommendation of the Editor of CJPS requiring approval of the CSA Executive or a panel of CSA members appointed by the CSA Executive.
The award is an honorarium of $500, an inscribed framed certificate, plus an invitation to the lead author to give an oral presentation (at least 15 minutes) of the best paper at the annual conference of CSA. Up to $2,500 for travel expenses and conference registration for the presenting author may be provided, depending on the specific arrangements for the conference.