It’s time to start collecting photos for the CSA Photo Contest! The objective is to encourage CSA members to capture excellent agronomy-related images and to share these images with fellow CSA members. The three best photos submitted in each of three categories will be recognized. Category 1: Agronomy in action; Category 2: Crops and Biological […]
Author Archives: Jennifer Mitchell
CSA Annual Conference and Business Meeting – 2021
The 2021 CSA Annual Business Meeting will be held on July 15, 2021 11:30 am – 2:00 pm. (CDT – Central Time – Manitoba). This will be a virtual meeting. To register please click the link below Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about […]
Introducing the Canadian Society of Agronomy (CSA) Graduate Student’s ‘Green’ Bagger Sessions
What: Virtual 13 min graduate student presentations on their research proposals, early project findings or completed research This is a new CSA initiative to: Connect graduate students studying agronomy Build the CSA graduate student community Provide a positive and supportive platform for young scientists to share their research Help prepare graduate students for live oral […]
CSA 2020 Grad Student Award Applications
The Canadian Society of Agronomy is now accepting applications for the 2020 CSA graduate student awards. The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2020. The available awards include: Ali Navabi Grad Student Travel Award Maximum of $500 available to graduate students to attend the CSA Annual General Meeting in Saskatoon, June 21 – 25, 2020. […]
Canadian Society of Agronomy 2020 Photo Contest
Start collecting photos for our 2020 Photo Contest! The objective is to encourage CSA members to capture excellent agronomy-related images and to share these images with fellow CSA members. The three best photos submitted in each of three categories will be recognized. Category 1: Agronomy in action Category 2: Crops and Biological Interactions Category 3: Landscapes […]
Nominations for 2020 – 2021 CSA Executive
The Canadian Society of Agronomy is now accepting nominations for the 2020-2021 CSA Executive. The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2020. The open positions are below: Student Rep Industry Rep (*New for 2020) President-Elect Nominations for the CSA Executive can be made by any active member of CSA. Please email your nominations to [email protected] […]
CSA 2020 Professional Award Applications
The Canadian Society of Agronomy is now accepting nominations for the 2020 CSA awards. The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2020. The available awards include: • Early Career Agronomist is intended for individuals actively engaged in research, teaching, extension or administration within 10 years of starting their career or earning their last degree. • […]
2020 CSA Annual General Meeting
The Canadian Society of Agronomy Annual General Meeting is scheduled for: Date: June 22, 2020 Time: 12:00 Noon (MST) Saskatchewan time Location: The AGM will be held virtually using ZOOM *There is no charge but you must be registered to attend. Please […]
Canadian Society of Agronomy Photo Contest
Start collecting photos for our Photo Contest! The objective is to encourage CSA members to capture excellent agronomy-related images and to share these images with fellow CSA members. The three best photos submitted in each of three categories will be recognized. Category 1: Agronomy in action; Category 2: Crops and Biological Interactions; Category 3: Landscapes […]
Graduate Student Awards Deadline April 15, 2019
The CSA is now accepting applications for the 2019 CSA graduate student awards. The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2019. The available awards include: Student Travel AwardMaximum of $500 available to 3 graduate students to attend the CSA Annual General Meeting. Pest Management AwardAn award of $500 available to a graduate student enrolled at a […]